September, 2020

Barts Life Sciences is recruiting 3 academic chairs in computer health sciences

As members of Barts Life Sciences (BLS) – a partnership between Queen Mary and Barts Health NHS Trust – Professors Claude Chelala (CRUK Barts Centre) and Carol Dezateux (IPHS) are – with the generous support of Barts Charity – leading a new initiative to embed computer sciences at a senior level within Queen Mary’s SMD to catalyse innovative precision medicine and population health research. We are recruiting three new professors in computer health sciences who will – with the generous package of support available – together deliver innovative and collaborative research programmes leveraging our exceptional expertise in, and access to, deep biological data derived from tissue samples and imaging, and rich phenotypic data from electronic patient records across east London.

It is an exciting opportunity to join this initiative and realise the full research potential of this multi-dimensional patient data for patient and public benefit. We are particularly keen to recruit non-clinical Professors and other Senior Faculty (equivalent to Associate Professor level) with research expertise in the following areas:

  • Actionable Health Analytics
  • Text Analytics
  • Digital Pathology

These are tenured Professorial appointments, each initially supported for five years by Barts Charity, and including a competitive personal salary, funding for a Lecturer, an informatician / health data scientist, and PhD student.