QME – Queen Mary University Enterprise Zone – premium incubation and research space for you and your business from autumn 2020

Barts Life Sciences is delighted to support QMUL’s University Enterprise Programme:
Queen Mary University of London has a proven record of success as a science incubator. QME is our latest step to help life sciences companies grow and scale. We’re proud to have financed, designed and built the largest purpose-built innovation centre in London – QMB Innovation Centre – 100% filled with tenants.
Queen Mary also has a wholly-owned technology transfer company – Queen Mary Innovation Ltd (QMI) – responsible for the commercialisation and management of the University’s intellectual property and portfolio spinout companies.
QME also offers a programme of business and leadership training courses covering topics that are the building blocks for any successful business on subjects vital to the success of innovative start-ups.
COVID-19 – Upskilling furloughed staff
QME is offering courses to support and upskill furloughed staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for a list of available courses and information on how to book online:
Check the website regularly for exciting opportunities through UEZ and Barts Life Sciences as well as BLS’ monthly blog.