Categories for News

Barts Cancer Institute launches SNPnexus software

SNPnexus is an online analytical platform able to streamline complex sequencing data analysis and connect information from different sources allowing for the prioritisation of variant panels associated with disease to facilitate the promise of precision medicine. SNPnexus if freely available for academic and non-profit use only. If you are a commercial user/service provider, or if you are interested in a...

Barts Life Sciences is recruiting 3 academic chairs in computer health sciences

As members of Barts Life Sciences (BLS) – a partnership between Queen Mary and Barts Health NHS Trust – Professors Claude Chelala (CRUK Barts Centre) and Carol Dezateux (IPHS) are – with the generous support of Barts Charity – leading a new initiative to embed computer sciences at a senior level within Queen Mary’s SMD to catalyse innovative precision medicine and population health research. We are recruiting three new professors in computer health sciences...

CAP-AI project feature – interview with Barts Healthcare Scientist Musa Abdulkareem

  Dr Musa Abdulkareem is Principal Research Scientist on the Barts Life Sciences CAP-AI programme, where he has been working with Professor Steffen Petersen from Queen Mary University of London to use Artificial Intelligence in analysing cardiac MRI scans. In this Q&A, Dr Abdulkareem reflects on the progress of the project over the last 15 months and talks about his...

Queen Mary University of London, as part of the Barts Life Sciences partnership, receives UKRI funding for data-driven healthcare in East London

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has awarded funding to Queen Mary University of London, as part of the Barts Life Sciences partnership, to develop a proposal for data-driven next generation healthcare in Whitechapel. Led by Barts Life Sciences, the project will harness artificial intelligence and data technology to provide better healthcare for patients living in East London, specifically Whitechapel, where chronic health problems are significantly...

Barts Life Sciences CAP-AI diabetic foot project research information for patients

In this project we are interested in preventing diabetic foot disease. 1 in 10 patients with diabetes will get a foot ulcer but some of these will not-fully heal, recur, or become infected and may eventually require a lower limb amputation. We know some factors that increase risk of developing diabetic foot – such as smoking, poor blood circulation and...

Barts Life Sciences recruiting professors in computer health sciences

Barts Life Sciences (BLS) – a partnership between Queen Mary and Barts Health NHS Trust with the generous support of Barts Charity – is leading a new initiative to embed computer sciences at a senior level within Queen Mary to catalyse innovative precision medicine and population health research. BLS is recruiting three new professors in computer health sciences who will – with the generous package of support...

Barts Life Sciences COVID-19 research

Barts Life Sciences is leading on COVID-19 research projects working closely with teams from Barts Health and Queen Mary University of London:

QME – Queen Mary University Enterprise Zone – premium incubation and research space for you and your business from autumn 2020

Barts Life Sciences is delighted to support QMUL’s University Enterprise Programme: Queen Mary University of London has a proven record of success as a science incubator. QME is our latest step to help life sciences companies grow and scale. We’re proud to have financed, designed and built the largest purpose-built innovation centre in London – QMB Innovation Centre – 100% filled with tenants....

More than 1,500 people recruited to COVID-19 research projects

To mark International Clinical Trials Day, Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust have released a range of new resources to encourage people to get involved in COVID-19 research projects.